This is my stop during the blog tour for A Cunning Plan by Astrid Arditi. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 14 August, you can view the tour schedule here.

by Astrid Arditi
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 8 May, 2016
Description:My Review:
Determined to put her family back together, Sloane Harper stalks her ex husband and his annoyingly stunning mistress, Kate. And she’s not the only one. Handsome IRS agent Ethan Cunning is surveying them too, but not for the same reasons. He is attempting to nail Kate’s playboy boss.
Ethan and Sloane decide to help each other, which sends Sloane’s wobbly life spinning out of control. She’ll have to face danger, humiliation, and scariest of all, the dating scene, to lure her daughters’ father home.
Losing control was the best thing to happen to Sloane… until it turned lethal.
A Cunning Plan is about a woman who’s resorted to staking out (not stalking) her ex’s new girlfriend in the hopes of figuring out how to get her husband back. She’s pretty much in denial, and it’s obvious she’s going down a desperate path. And then the most unexpected thing knocks her off that path, and she’s drawn into the plans of the mysterious and handsome agent, Ethan Cunning.
The description sparked my interest from the start. I was intrigued, hoping this would be what I thought it was, a romance/unlikely-spy thriller. Perhaps with some humor. Perhaps with a good dose of danger. I wasn’t disappointed. It had all of that, plus a really believable main character who grows from desperate ex-housewife into confident, self-reliant single mom.
And I think that character arc is what I love the most from this book. Sloane’s obviously never been on her own, and she’s still not convinced she is. I just wanted to shake her at times and say, “Lady, drop him! He’s no good.” But, then Ethan and even the target, mmm, and watching her figure it out and make mistakes, and eventually start making fewer of those, until finally, wow, what an awesome turnaround.
I also like how this is a clean read, but still honest and realistic about sex and desire. And, to be honest, I burst into giggles every time she mentions her hoo-ha’s reaction to something. On that note, I’d have to say that this feels like a read that women, in particular, would enjoy. The issues, the perspectives, the plot, all of it really. But it isn’t mushy, or boring, or full of poignant emotions, or something that’s so woman that it’s sickening. It’s unique, fun, and dangerous, with a touch of romance. It simply resonates. Take out the spy stuff, and it feels like Sloane and her family are real. Her girls, her mother, her housekeeper/friend. I love that.
So yes, overall, I loved this book. It’s a great read, and I would strongly recommend it to folks who enjoy romance, thrills and a bit of inept sleuthing.
I received a free copy of this book from the author via Lola’s Blog Tours so that I could review it on my blog, I read too much!
You can find A Cunning Plan on Goodreads
You can buy A Cunning Plan here:
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Astrid Arditi was born from a French father and Swedish mother. She lived in Paris and Rome before moving to London with her husband and daughter back in 2013.
After dabbling in journalism, interning at Glamour magazine, and teaching kindergarten, Arditi returned to her first love: writing.
She now splits her time between raising her kids (a brand new baby boy just joined the family) and making up stories.
A Cunning Plan is Arditi’s first published work.
You can find and contact Astrid here:
- Website
- Goodreads
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of A Cunning Plan. These are the prizes you can win:
- a Kindle Fire
- a 20$ amazon gift card
- 2 signed copies of A Cunning Plan by Astrid Arditi
For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
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