This is my stop during the blog tour for The Dragon Sphere by Abel Gallardo. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 8 till 21 August, you can view the tour schedule here

by Abel Gallardo
Genre: Fantasy
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: July 20, 2016
Landon Brown, fifteen year old high school football star, is always on the top of his game. That is until he receives a visit from an uncle he’s never met with information about Landon’s father, who disappeared without a trace thirteen years before. Landon learns that the life he’s been living is a lie and that his true nature is powerful and dangerous. He’s half dragon and a threat to the delicate balance that has kept dragon society hidden from humans for hundreds of years.
Landon now must learn about his dragon heritage and train to control his incredible abilities with the help of the Elder Dragons, a bizarre trainer named Alpha, and other dragonoids like himself.
He quickly realizes that the mysterious world of dragons, spirits, and secret societies are not for the weak. Tasked with finding the Dragon Sphere, an ancient relic harboring a terrible power that could destroy the world, Landon recognizes that he just might be way in over his head. Will he be able to control his newfound power in time for the fight of his life?
“I want you to close your eyes. Okay, now visualize your target. Just relax your mind and let your body sense the distance. Let the ground tell you where everything is. Do you feel the burning sensation in your chest?” Alpha asked.
“Yes,” I responded.
“Good―now push that energy towards your arms. You should feel them get tense. Good, it looks like you got it. Now when I say go, I want you to unleash that power right underneath the target. Ready… set… go!”
I felt energy pulse through my arms as I raised them in the air, willing the ground underneath a wooden dummy to rise and knock the target forty feet high.
“Now volley him!” Alpha ordered. Just before the wooden dummy hit the ground, I willed the earth to rise again at a forty-five-degree angle, knocking the target left. Then I did it again, but this time to the right. I continued to volley the wooden dummy, watching as wooden limbs started flying everywhere. When I stopped, the only thing remaining of the doll was its torso.
“Good job, Cyclops,” Alpha said encouragingly. “You’re getting better at controlling your power, brah! It will only be a matter of time before you have full control.”
It was nice to hear Alpha’s encouragement. I had been training with him and the other trainees for two weeks now. He had been drilling us so we could learn how to control our powers, especially after I caused a small earthquake in the cavern by accident. A nightmare had triggered it; I still don’t think I could’ve controlled it.
“Okay, so you’re progressing well on manipulating the earth, but we still need to work on the quakes,” Alpha said. “Maybe one of these days you could set us up for some mud surfing!”
“What is that?” I asked.
“I’m just joking, brah. It includes you causing a mudslide and riding it like a righteous wave. Sounds amazing, right?” I nodded my head, pretending that the idea was a good one.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Alpha said, “you have a visitor coming in fifteen minutes, so you should get cleaned up. We’re just about done for the day anyway.”
I asked Alpha who it was, but he ignored me and went on to help one of the other trainees. As I walked up the rocky slopes, I noticed some of the other students working on their powers.
Aurora was showing off as usual. She had pockets of air swirling around her in the form of three funnels. The rotating air picked up loose rocks, dirt, and anything else that got in its way. Much closer to the main cavern entrance, I saw James Braddock crushing large boulders with his bare hands. He punched one boulder so hard that it exploded on contact. It didn’t crumble or split into many pieces. It literally exploded! What was interesting about James was his ability to breathe poisonous gas. His mother Jada is a green dragon, and from what I hear, the poisonous gas that they breathe is among the most lethal in the world. Once Alpha and James went down near the valley, and Alpha showed him how dangerous it was. He had James blow out the poison gas onto a flower―and immediately, it .
***End of Excerpt***
You can find The Dragon Sphere on Goodreads
You can buy The Dragon Sphere here:
- Amazon Paperback

Abel Gallardo was greatly influenced by Greek mythology, comic books, and the fantasy/mystery novels he had read as a child. Shortly after graduating with his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, he began writing stories that reminded him of the adventures he cherished growing up. Abel Gallardo now lives with his wife and children in Albuquerque, NM.
You can find and contact Abel here:
- Website
- Goodreads
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