Saturday, January 11, 2014

Review: Sergeant Obvious by Donald Meisenheimer

Sergeant Obvious
by Donald Meisenheimer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Absurd, crazy and vivid. A rollercoaster ride.

I found this book for free on Smashwords and bought it for no other reason than the quirky title. Great story.

The story is told from the perspective of a young man who is trying to find his missing uncle. Although the main character is a teen, this book seems like it targets adult readers.

The story features stopped time, ninja girl scouts, clones, aliens, and overly friendly enemies. Everything is connected with everything else, and nothing happens without a reason, no matter how absurd. Although some (or perhaps all) of the scenarios are outrageous, they are all described in a way that I could picture them clearly in my mind.

Overall, I really liked this story for its vivid storytelling and meticulously interconnected absurdity. People who like over the top stories featuring humor, mysterious happenings, and quirky, yet well-developed characters may like this story.

It's number two in a series. I didn't realize that until nearly through. I imagine that some of the things that confused me would have made more sense if I had started with the first one. Still, in my opinion, the book's good enough to stand alone. Now I have to go pick up number one.

View all my reviews

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