Saturday, May 31, 2014

Harry Potter Fan Fic: James Potter and the Curse of the Gate Keeper by G. Norman Lippert

James Potter and the Curse of the Gate Keeper (James Potter, #2)James Potter and the Curse of the Gate Keeper by G. Norman Lippert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Does not disappoint.

Like the first book in the James Potter series by Lippert, this one feels like being back in Rowling's world. He's done a great job keeping the story alive. This one links back heavily to the happenings in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but it isn't the same story.

It's James Potter's second year at Hogwarts, and this year his brother Albus joins him, but they're both in for a surprise that highlights just how different the brothers are from each other. I enjoyed how the two are compared to each other and how they are compared to Harry Potter, their dad. The sibling rivalry keeps things interesting even as the overall plot deapens.

I also liked how the year is sort of taken over by a non-magical production of a play. Try outs, rehearsals, the kids trying to figure out how things are done in normal plays (and cheating when they can get away with it). Add to that a crush, continuing hints at Voldemort's heir, and a truly fantastic climax, and you have the makings of a great adventure.

This one's definitely worth a read. The humor, the mystery and the adventure are all right on the mark. One word of caution, however, is that Lippert is not afraid of killing off main characters, not even ones we've come to love from the original Harry Potter series. But, then again, neither was Rowling. She got quite good at taking out her own characters, so I don't think the same in fan fic should come as much of a surprise. I can say that it does tie in with the plot.

Overall, I highly recommend this book. I had trouble putting it down, but it still took me a few days to get through. These stories are easy to read, but lengthy, just like the Harry Potter books. As I mentioned in my review of James Potter #1, I would definitely read a similar series by Rowling if she decides to write one, but I'm glad we have this one as an option.

This book is available for free on

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